Results for 'Maria Viana Lousa'

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  1. O Contributo de Francisco de Holanda para a definição de Personalidade Artística: Entre a Melancolia ea Genialidade.Maria Teresa Viana Lousa - 2009 - A Parte Rei 64:14.
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    O Encontro como categoria teológica a partir da obra “Em Si Mesmo como Um Outro" em Paul Ricoeur.Maria Alves Viana - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):222-231.
    The Meeting, as a theological category from Paul Ricoeur’s book causes a reflection on the Being. The identity that is built on otherness in relation to the other which meets another deeper himself and the understanding of himself requires acceptance of himself as hopelessly another. The meeting is a key experience that enables the growth of the being through the other, it is dialogue experience, donation and constitutive reception of the history of being, which refers to the search for the (...)
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    O encontro com Jesus como exigência fundamental para a realização do Reino.Viana Maria Alves - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (18):248-252.
    O presente estudo objetiva explicitar o conteúdo da categoria encontro com Jesus em suas diferentes vertentes e sua importância na abordagem cristológica para uma compreensão da Pessoa e Missão de Jesus na perspectiva do Reino de Deus e os desdobramentos de tal compreensão na vida e missão da Igreja hoje. Abordar a questão do encontro como pressuposto norteador da existência humana e exigência para a superação da sobrevalorização da subjetividade, individualismo, tendo como ênfase o êxodo pessoal, a importância das relações (...)
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  4. Smart Activation of Citizens : Opportunities and Challenges for Scientific Research.Maria Gilda Pimentel Esteves, Jano Moreira de Souza, Alexandre Prestes Uchoa, Carla Viana Pereira & Marcio Antelio - 2017 - In Luigi Ceccaroni (ed.), Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
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    Emotions in motion: impact of emotion understanding on children’s peer action coordination.Karine M. P. Viana, Imac Maria Zambrana, Evalill Bølstad Karevold & Francisco Pons - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (4):831-838.
    ABSTRACTPeer action coordination has been often studied in terms of its underlying cognitive mechanisms, and little is known about its emotional processes. The aim of the present study was to inves...
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    Daseinsanálise e Psicanálise: caracterização de como se dá esse debate na atualidade.Caroline Garpelli Barbosa, Érico Bruno Viana Campos & Carmen Maria Bueno Neme - 2020 - Revista Natureza Humana 22 (1):30.
    Resumo: Este estudo objetiva retomar o diálogo efetuado entre a tradição da ontologia hermenêutica heideggeriana e a psicanálise freudiana, a fim de discutir se ele ainda tem lugar na atualidade e, em caso positivo, problematizar como ele tem sido construído. Apesar de existirem muitos argumentos que questionam a possibilidade de articulação entre esses dois campos, eles não encerram consensualmente essa discussão e exigem ser atualizados. No cenário mais recente, algumas pesquisas têm acenado para o estabelecimento de pontos de conexões entre (...)
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    Anísio Teixeira e Richard Morse.José Geraldo Pedrosa & Maria Isabel Rios de Carvalho Viana - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):405-444.
    Resumo: O tema do artigo é referente à presença de iberismo e anglo-americanismo no Brasil e às expressões dessas heteronomias como obstáculos a uma identidade brasileira. A abordagem se alimenta das polêmicas desencadeadas por Richard Morse e sua tese sobre a Ibéria perdida, o Brasil à deriva e sua universidade descompromissada. A tese de Morse afirma a vitalidade da tradição ibérica original e sua capacidade de inspirar futuros para o Brasil, em inversão à referência anglo-americana, inconsistente e sem futuro. O (...)
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    Quando o peixe salta.Júnia de Castro Magalhães Alves & Maria José Motta Viana - 2008 - Semiotics:838-848.
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  9. XVI Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011).Walter Carnielli, Renata de Freitas & Petrucio Viana - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):150-151.
    This is the report on the XVI BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE (EBL 2011) held in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between May 9–13, 2011 published in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic Volume 18, Number 1, March 2012. -/- The 16th Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011) was held in Petro ́polis, from May 9th to 13th, 2011, at the Laboratório Nacional de Computação o Científica (LNCC). It was the sixteenth in a series of conferences that started in 1977 with the aim of (...)
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    TIHANOV, Galin. Narrativas do exílio: cosmopolitismo além da imaginação liberal. Série Diálogos dirigida por Maria Isabel de Moura. Trad. Camila Caracelli Scherma; Marina Haber de Figueiredo; Mateus Yuri Passos; Michele Viana Trevisan; Nanci Moreira Branco; Rômulo Augusto Orlandini; Tatiana Aparecida Moreira. São Carlos: Pedro e João Editores, 2013, 186 p. [REVIEW]Ekaterina Vólkova Américo - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (2):217-222.
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    Piccolo trattato di epistemologia.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo - 2010 - Codice Edizioni.
    La discussione generale sulla filosofia della scienza contemporanea è complicata dal numero e dall’eterogeneità delle scienze, mentre lo studio di temi specifici porta inevitabilmente a dissertazioni specialistiche che mancano nel dare ragione della trama di senso sottostante. Questo Piccolo trattato di epistemologia intende occupare uno spazio vuoto, proponendo alcuni temi chiave per la comprensione dei meccanismi alla base della conoscenza scientifica: i rapporti tra filosofia e scienze, siano esse naturali o umane; la complessa relazione tra fatti e valori; la distinzione (...)
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  12. Primary matter, primitive passive power, and creaturely limitation in Leibniz.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2014 - Studia Leibnitiana 46 (2):167-186.
    In this paper I argue that, in Leibniz’s mature metaphysics, primary matter is not a positive constituent which must be added to the form in order to have a substance. Primary matter is merely a way to express the negation of some further perfection. It does not have a positive ontological status and merely indicates the limitation or imperfection of a substance. To be sure, Leibniz is less than explicit on this point, and in many texts he writes as if (...)
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    Hacia un saber sobre el alma.María Zambrano - 1987 - Madrid: Alianza.
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    When Romance and Rivalry Awaken.Maria Agthe, Matthias Spörrle, Dieter Frey, Sabine Walper & Jon K. Maner - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (2):182-195.
    Previous research indicates positive effects of a person’s attractiveness on evaluations of opposite-sex persons, but less positive or even negative effects of attractiveness on same-sex evaluations. These biases are consistent with social motives linked to mate search and intrasexual rivalry. In line with the hypothesis that such motives should not become operative until after puberty, 6- to 12-year-old participants (i.e., children) displayed no evidence for biased social evaluations based on other people’s attractiveness. In contrast, 13- to 19-year-old participants (i.e., adolescents) (...)
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    Consumer Experience and Omnichannel Behavior in Various Sales Atmospheres.María Dolores Reina Paz & Fernando Jiménez Delgado - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    (2 other versions)Pensamiento y poesía en la vida española.María Zambrano & Colegio de México - 1939 - [México]: La Casa de España en México.
    Razón, poesía, historia.--La cuestión del estoicismo español.--El querer.
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    The Dynamic Block Universe and the Illusion of Passage.Maria Balcells - 2019 - In Adrian Bardon, Valtteri Arstila, Sean Power & Argiro Vatakis (eds.), The Illusions of Time: Philosophical and Psychological Essays on Timing and Time Perception. Palgrave Macmillan.
    The passage of time seems to be a fundamental aspect of experience. However, most descriptions of the passage of time itself are incompatible with the four-dimensional block universe model of space and time, in which time is extended like space, and all states of affairs exist equally and eternally in this varied tapestry of space and time. The tension between temporal passage and the block universe seems to leave one with the option of either abandoning the block universe in favor (...)
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    Mental and bodily awareness in infancy.Maria Legerstee - 1999 - In Shaun Gallagher (ed.), Models of the Self. Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic. pp. 213--230.
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    The dasein of peasant girls during the violence in colombia.María Victoria Uribe - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68:150-162.
    RESUMEN El texto explora, en mujeres mayores de 80 años, la experiencia vivida durante el pe ríodo conocido como La Violencia en Colombia. Se examina el "trauma" que, según la autora, se manifiesta como "rayones", lo que hace difícil traducirlo o interpretarlo, porque solo se percibe a través de la escucha. Se estudia lo que M. Heidegger exploró como "ser-ahí" y "ser-en-el-mundo", esto es, el estar lanzados al mundo en un de terminado contexto donde construimos nuestra subjetividad y aprendemos a (...)
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    Fronteira, cosmopolitismo e nação nos mundos ibéricos e ibero-americanos.Maria Fernanda de Abreu - 2018 - Cultura:9-11.
    Sob este título, publica-se, neste número da Cultura, um conjunto de textos que respondem ao projecto de aprofundar, tanto no plano teórico como no analítico, e de forma articulada, a operatividade destes três conceitos no conhecimento das diversas especificidades culturais desenvolvidas em territórios ibero-americanos e ibéricos: Fronteira, cosmopolitismo e nação. Tivemos os nossos primeiros debates há quase uma década e, no Grupo de Investigação «Cultura, história e pensamento ibéricos e ib...
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  21. Le concept de l'espace chez Veronese. Une comparaison avec la conception de Helmholtz et Poincaré.Maria-Grazia Crocco - forthcoming - Philosophia Scientiae.
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    The feminist reference desk: concepts, critiques, and conversations.Maria T. Accardi (ed.) - 2017 - Sacramento, California: Library Juice Press.
    This edited collection considers how feminist strategies and philosophies might initiate, reshape, and critique approaches to library reference services.
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    Ética y Los Medios de Comunicación.María Isabel Ackerley - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 32:79-89.
    El estudio comparativo de la Ley de Prensa de Brasil y la ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual de Argentina es el análisis empírico de la construcción de un paradigma en la teoría de la comunicación basado en el estudio de la filosofía de G. W. Leibniz, tomando como pilares la filosofía y teoría de la comunicación de Jürgen Habermas y las ideas de complejidad y paradigma de Edgar Morin.
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  24. Framing Klee's Window.María del Rosario Acosta - 2012 - In Paul Klee (ed.), Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision, From Nature to Art. Mcmullen Museum of Art, Boston College.
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  25. Variaciones sobre el perdón: Una sugerencia sobre política Y transición a partir de Hegel.María del Rosario Acosta - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (59):33-50.
  26. Emotions as Unities of Form and Matter.Maria Magoula Adamos - 2006 - The Emotion Researcher 22 (1-2):09-10.
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    Justicia y género. Algunas cuestiones relevantes en torno a la teoría de la justicia de J. Rawls.María-Xosé Agra - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 31:123-146.
    El punto de partida de este artículo es que tanto el trabajo de J. Rawls La teoría de la Justicia, como la Teoría Feminista han contribuido enormemente al resurgimiento de la Filosofía Moral y Política. Mi objetivo aquí es mostrar las relaciones existentes entre la Teoría de Rawls y la Teoría Feminista, y particularmente analizar las críticas feministas de "justice as fairness" en el contexto de un estudio más general sobre Teorías contemporáneas de la Justicia y sobre la relación de (...)
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    Late Antique churches in the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula: The Problem of Byzantine Influence.María Ángeles Utrero Agudo - 2008 - Millennium 5 (1):191-212.
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    Amor o explotación: el trabajo doméstico como sistema de opresión y subordinación.María Jimena Balcázar Alanís - 2022 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 15 (29).
    El trabajo doméstico y las labores domésticas se asocian, incluso hoy, con “lo femenino”, desde una perspectiva esencialista del género. Gracias a la obra de Beauvoir podemos indagar el género como una construcción social que asigna los roles y papeles que cada quien debe cumplir en una sociedad, para comenzar a señalar que la idea del “ama de casa de tiempo completo”, no es en absoluto una categoría que ha existido siempre, sino que está situada dentro de un contexto histórico (...)
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    Adam Smith’s Reconstruction of Practical Reason.Maria Alejandra Carrasco - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (1):81-116.
    IN THE LAST PART of the Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith puts his theory in a class with those of his contemporaries Francis Hutcheson and David Hume, namely, the systems that make sentiments the principle of approbation. Despite recognizing important differences with both of them, he thinks that since he has placed the origin of moral sentiments in sympathy, and in particular the fact that we are able to enter into the motives of the agent and get pleasure from (...)
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    The Hoarding Economy of Endometrial Stem Cell Storage.Maria Fannin - 2013 - Body and Society 19 (4):32-60.
    The proliferation of for-profit enterprises offering stem cell storage services for personal use illustrates one of the ways health is increasingly governed through uncertainty and speculative notions of risk. Without any firm guarantee of therapeutic utility, commercial stem cell banks offer to store a range of bodily tissues, signalling the further transformation of the living body into an accumulation strategy within biotechnology capitalism’s ‘tissue economies’. This article makes two related claims: first, it suggests that specifically gendered forms of identification with (...)
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  32. Estimulación lingúistica a través de un programa educativo no formal.María Olivia Herrera, Ana María Pandolfi & María Elena Mathiesen - 1993 - Paideia 18:81-99.
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  33. Metáforas de lo político.María G. Navarro - 2019 - In Isabel Roldán, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias & Concha Roldán (eds.), Hacer justicia haciendo compañía: Homenaje a M.ª Teresa López de la Vieja (editores: Isabel Roldán Gómez, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias, Concha Roldán Panadero). Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. pp. 175-186.
    «Fortaleza» y «debilidad» son dos adjetivos que se han utilizado prolijamente en la literatura científica sobre institucionalismo para describir la permanencia o, por el contrario, la porosidad y maleabilidad de las reglas y principios rectores en los que están atrincheradas las instituciones que sobreviven en equilibrio y, por tanto, no son alteradas unilateralmente.
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    Women in Early Human Cytogenetics: An Essay on a Gendered History of Chromosome Imaging.María Jesús Santesmases - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):170-200.
    Alongside the renowned male pioneers of medical cytogenetics, many women participated in investigations at the laboratory bench and the bedside, both in Europe and the Americas. These women were committed to this new biological and clinical practice—cytogenetics, the origins of contemporary genetic diagnosis—and contributed to the creation of new biological concepts and settings centered on the study of chromosome imaging. This paper will review the contributions made by a group of woman scientists from a wide geographical distribution, situating their names (...)
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  35. En kropslig Kulturhistorie.Maria Brincker - 2012 - In En Kropslig Kultur Historie - om omverdens relationen". Systime. pp. 197--216.
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    Existir e ser: temas de filosofía, poesía e espiritualidade.Maria de Lourdes Sirgado Ganho - 2009 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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  37. O nieostrości raz jeszcze.Maria Spychalska - 2010 - Studia Semiotyczne 27:57-69.
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    Confesiones y guías.María Zambrano - 2011 - Madrid: Eutelequia. Edited by Pedro Chacón Fuertes.
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    Buddhist Ethics.Maria Heim - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    'Ethics' was not developed as a separate branch of philosophy in Buddhist traditions until the modern period, though Buddhist philosophers have always been concerned with the moral significance of thoughts, emotions, intentions, actions, virtues, and precepts. Their most penetrating forms of moral reflection have been developed within disciplines of practice aimed at achieving freedom and peace. This Element first offers a brief overview of Buddhist thought and modern scholarly approaches to its diverse forms of moral reflection. It then explores two (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Semantic composition: Kalaallisut in ccg+uc.Maria Bittner - unknown
    Maria Bittner (M2: August 3, 2009) 1. TOWARD SYN-SEM TYPOLOGY • E. Jelinek 1984: W(arlpiri)-TYPE (EJ traits (62.a-f) ~ MB traits BA, TO, L, …).
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  41. Phénomènes physiques, phénomènes psychiques et leur frontière. Une solution freudienne à un problème brentanien.Maria Gyemant - 2012 - Studia Phaenomenologica 12.
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  42. Los usos del tiempo y el cambio social.María Angeles Durán Heras - 2006 - Critica 56 (933):14-17.
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  43. Primado de la presencia o experiencia de la libertad.María José Calle3o Hernanz - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1:197.
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  44. Crete : souls of soil : island identity through song.Maria Hnaraki - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.), Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
  45. Anotações à Margem das duas Introduções à Crí­tica da Faculdade de Julgar, com Vistas à Identificação dos Pressupostos da Arte não Figurativa.Maria Marta Guerra Husseini - 1995 - Princípios 2 (3):119-139.
    o presente artigo busca identificar na Critica da faculdade de julgar os pressupostos de que se serviram os artistas plasticos nao figurativos para suas concepções artisticas, atraves do rnetodo de uma analise de conteudo das duas introduções escritas por Kant para sua terceira critica.
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    Specific Dysfunctions of the Stepfamily.Maria-Rodica Iacobescu - 2016 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2 (1):39-51.
    Made up from parents and children from a previous union or marriage, often completed by children of the new couple, the recomposed or reconstituted family is problematic under the aspect of family-specific functions, relationships and roles. Being exposed to numerous sources of conflict, it is marked by many functional difficulties, which can lead to rupture and failure. For this unit in diversity to stand the test of time, it is necessary for all the members to engage in an active and (...)
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  47. Problem representation in Virginia Woolf's invention of a novelistic form.Maria F. Ippolito - 2005 - In M. Gorman, R. Tweney, D. Gooding & A. Kincannon (eds.), Scientific and Technological Thinking. Erlbaum. pp. 119--135.
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    Transferencia Científica: un estudio de caso sobre las políticas de vinculación Universidad-Sector Productivo.María Fernanda Juarros - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 22:8.
    En los últimos años se realizaron numerosos trabajos sobre el tema de la transferencia científico-tecnológica de la Universidad en función de los cambios de orientación en las políticas de Educación Superior implementadas en América Latina en la última década. La mayoría de los estudios sobre el tema parten de la consideración del fenómeno de la vinculación como la actuación de los tres sectores involucrados: sector universitario público, sector estatal y sector de la producción de bienes y servicios, y son escasos (...)
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    Objects or Intentional Objects?: Twardowski and Husserl on Non-Existent Entities.Maria Gyemant - 2015 - In Bruno Leclercq, Sébastien Richard & Denis Seron (eds.), Objects and Pseudo-Objects Ontological Deserts and Jungles from Brentano to Carnap. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 85-100.
  50. Towards an East-West encounter.Maria Lopez - 2000 - Endoxa 12 (1):125-140.
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